Daily Prayers for June 25

In 1945, following the end of the Second World War, fifty countries signed the original charter of the United Nations in San Francisco.

O Lord, let my soul rise up to meet you

as the day rises to meet the sun.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Come, let us sing to the Lord : let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.

Song “What Is This Place?”

Speak, Lord : for your servants are listening.

Psalm 119:41 44, 48

Let your loving-kindness come to me, O Lord : and your salvation, according to your promise.

Then shall I have a word for those who taunt me : because I trust in your words.

Do not take the word of truth out of my mouth : for my hope is in your judgments.

I shall continue to keep your law : I shall keep it for ever and ever.

I will lift up my hands to your commandments : and I will meditate on your statutes.

Speak, Lord : for your servants are listening.

Ezekiel 34:1 – 16 Acts 11:19 – 30

Speak, Lord : for your servants are listening.

Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador asked, “A church that doesn’t provoke any crises, a gospel that doesn’t unsettle, a word of God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin, a word of God that doesn’t touch the real sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed — ​what gospel is that?”

Prayers for Others

Our Father

Listen to your children praying, Lord. Send us love, send us power, and send us grace, that we might hear what you are saying and do it. Amen.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you : wherever he may send you;

may he guide you through the wilderness : protect you through the storm;

may he bring you home rejoicing : at the wonders he has shown you;

may he bring you home rejoicing : once again into our doors.

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