
A condensed, easy to carry version with additional prayers for personal use and FAQ’s to help you share Common Prayer with the friends you meet along the way.

Common Prayer is a tapestry of daily prayers inviting faith communities from around the world to pray, sing, and act together. At this site, you’ll find prayers for every evening, morning, and midday that celebrate the best of the Christian tradition and engage with the most pressing issues of our world today. There are also songs from various traditions, including African-American spirituals, traditional hymns, Mennonite gathering songs, and Taize chants—a ‘greatest hits’ from the church’s first 2000 years. There’s a calendar to help us remember our saints and landmark dates in the struggle for peace and justice. And there’s a collection of prayers for special occasions.

To listen to a sample from the Common Prayer audio book, click here.

Shane introduced an adaptation of Common Prayer for use in gathered worship. You can check out the video from Willow Creek Community Church.

Common Prayer at Willow Creek

This prayer book has grown out of a community of communities that is sometimes called a ‘new monasticism.’ Whether you’re high church, low church, or no-church, we pray it will help you join the eternal dance of those who’ve been caught up in life with God.

Read online reviews of Common Prayer from The Christian Century, Sojourners Magazine, and the United Church of Christ.

Order hard or audio copies of Common Prayer from The Simple Way’s online store.

Common Prayer is also available from you local bookstore or online at Hearts & Minds Books, The Simple Way, amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, or Christian Book.

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