Daily Prayers for November 26

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth, named Isabella by her master, escaped from slavery to freedom in 1826 and worked for several years as a domestic in New York City. But when she heard a call to travel, going “up and down the land, showing the -people their sins and being a sign unto them,” Isabella changed her name and became an itinerant evangelist for the causes of abolition and women’s rights. In 1864, she traveled to Washington, D.C., to encourage Abraham Lincoln in his struggle against the Confederacy, staying on to minister to the ex-slaves who had gathered in refugee camps. She was still there on December 12, 1865, when Congress ratified its thirteenth amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery in the United States.

O Lord, let my soul rise up to meet you

as the day rises to meet the sun.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Come, let us bow down and bend the knee : let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Song “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”

Free us from the chains, Lord : that bind us as slaves and masters.

Psalm 119:169 74

Let my cry come before you, O Lord : give me understanding, according to your word.

Let my supplication come before you : deliver me, according to your promise.

My lips shall pour forth your praise : when you teach me your statutes.

My tongue shall sing of your promise : for all your commandments are righteous.

Let your hand be ready to help me : for I have chosen your commandments.

I long for your salvation, O Lord : and your law is my delight.

Free us from the chains, Lord : that bind us as slaves and masters.

Obadiah 15 – 21 Revelation 22:14 – 21

Free us from the chains, Lord : that bind us as slaves and masters.

Sojourner Truth said, “What we give the poor, we lend to the Lord.”

Prayers for Others

Our Father

Lord, please make it so that we would rather choose death than partake in evils against humanity. Make it so that we would rather risk our reputation and security than deny your call to work for freedom for the oppressed. Amen.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you : wherever he may send you;

may he guide you through the wilderness : protect you through the storm;

may he bring you home rejoicing : at the wonders he has shown you;

may he bring you home rejoicing : once again into our doors.

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