A Prayer for Adoption

Generous and Divine Trinity,
We give thanks for the presence
Of our holy brothers and sisters.

We give thanks that you created the world,
Though it turned from your ways.
We give thanks that you began a people
To bless this world,
Though it did not always bless.
We give thanks, with greatest reverence,
For the gift of your Son Jesus Christ,
Who indeed blessed the world.
Thanks be to God for the signs and glory of
The Lamb of God.

In him, we are all adopted children of God.
We are brought into the divine redemption,
Which now subsists in each embrace,
Each extension of love.
Each sacrament,
Each kiss and act of service.

May the adoption of this beloved child _____ (name of adopted)
Be blessed.
Almighty God, you adopted the people in Egypt,
and they came out into the wilderness to pitch a tent.
May (we) the family of this beloved child,
Enjoy the presence of God,
In the tent of life together,
As they (we) look toward the pillar of fire by day—
A sign of your coming glorious redemption.
And the pillar of cloud by night—
A sign of your presence amidst our trials and darkness.

In Christ, the Son of God,
there is neither adoptive nor natural parents and children.
We are all born again in the Spirit of God.
This Spirit redeems us with the substance of faith, hope, and love.
May this child be blessed by the mysterious presence, mercy, and grace
of the Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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