Another Prayer for Celibacy Commitment

Minister: What do you ask?
Initiate: The mercy of God and of the church.

Minister: The Lord Christ has chosen you to be in the Church a sign of brotherly love. It is His will that with your brothers and sisters you live the parable of community.

Initiate: “Uphold me, O God, according to Your word, and I shall live; and do not disappoint me in my hope.” (Psalm 119:116)

Minister: Do you commit to celibacy in the context of Christian community so long as you shall live?

Initiate: I do

Minister: Do you give yourself fully to the church? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others be faithful only unto her, so long as you shall live?

Initiate: I do.

Minister: Do you ____ (name of initiate), promise to love rather than force your way, to give your life away no longer living for yourself but for your sisters and brothers– loving them, humbly submitting to them, shepherding them, living with them?

Initiate: I do

Minister: Do you Church of _____ (name of congregation) promise to honor ______ (name of initiate) as part of your family and not take his offering lightly? Do you take ______ (name of initiate) to be your brother/sister, to love him/her, comfort him/her, honor and keep him/her in sickness and in health?

Larger community: We do

Minster: Family and friends, do you rejoice with ______ (name of initiate) in his/her love for the church? Are you willing, now and always, to support and encourage _____ (name of initiate) in his/her promise to church community and celibacy?

Family and Friends: We do.

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