
In the name of the divine Trinity,
Let us pray.
God, you have called us into being
through love.
You have joined us to one another
In love.
How good and pleasant it is
When your people dwell together in unity.

Shine your light upon your people
That we can see the glory of eternal life.
Grant ____ (name of commissioned) the strength
To carry your blessing from this place to their next.
May they be at home in any land,
For all their earth is yours.
And, with their hopes set on your coming glory in the world,
live also an alien in all lands.
May the lamp of your word
Guide his/her feet on the unsure paths of life.

Our lives are but a breath,
But our breaths are drawn from your divine Spirit.
You have created us as walking paradoxes.
Specs of dust and divine-image bearers.
We are constantly restless,
Until we rest in you.

Grant ____ (name of commissioned) a deeper fullness
Of being and spirit,
By carry our memory with him/her
in the coming journey.
May his/her face be fuller in glory and joy,
Now bearing new shape,
As our faces transform and supplement one another.

Go in the peace of Christ to love and serve the Lord,
All: Thanks be to God!

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