For the Room of an Older Son or Daughter, Present or Absent

To be said by the parent(s):
Peace be here in the name of the King of life;
The peace of Christ above all peace,
The Lord’s blessing over you.

Son of my breast/daughter of my heart.
The joy of God be in thy face,
Joy to all who see thee.
The circle of God around thee,
Angels of God shielding thee,
Angels of God shielding thee,
Joy of night and day be thine;
Joy of sun and moon be thine;
Joy of men and women be thine;
Each land and sea thou goest,
Each land and sea thou goest,
Be every season happy for thee;
Be every season bright for thee;
Be every season glad for thee.
Be thine the compassing of the God of life;
Be thine the compassing of the Christ of love;
Be thine the compassing of the Spirit of grace:
To befriend thee and to aid thee,
(Name), thou beloved son of my breast/
thou beloved daughter of my heart.

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